Pesmi v tujih jezikih. Foreign language poems.
Od isoncek
Dok te gledam, kako spavaš,
čini mi se, da
ovaj osmjeh na tvom licu
znak je rastanka.
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Od mancha
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
My nature just changes.
Imagine peace,
fly away,
everything is different,
we'll have to pay.
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Od Leo Modrin
In the year of holly seven
I've touched the magic mistery
in the form of equation:
Yang + Ying = O
fiftytwo + twentyfive = O
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Od Lavinia
Cold is the air I breathe
cold is the sight
cold is the touch of yours
but flames in my heart.
Od isoncek
Tražim te u žutom žitu,
gdje crveni mak.
Čujem druge, meni kažu,
moraš biti jak ...
Beri dalje...
Od isoncek
Htjela sam te
samo naći,
ali nisi tu.
Uvijek bježiš,
jadan lutaš,
ko u bolnom snu.
Beri dalje...
Od drejch
There once were the dark
and the moon and the stars,
and there were the sea
and the wind and the pines.
And there was the music
as a shining white pearl
and there was a boy
and there was a girl.
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Od Aranel
is it a word?
or is it an act?
can it be learned?
or is it a fact?
is it the truth?
or is it a life?
can it be learned?
or is it a fight?
Beri dalje...
Od isoncek
Naplavilo me more
i sad ležim tu.
Moje mrtve oči vide
crnu pučinu.
Sunca nema, svuda tama,
samo mjesec sja...
Otkada sam tako sama,
bjela, ledena?
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Od katarina
You are the one for me
You always read my thoughts
You see my every dream,
even hear me when I scream.
Beri dalje...
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