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Zgodba o kamnih in metuljih, 2 Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
Napisal/a Leo Modrin, v torek, 10. feb. 09
Ocena urednika:   
Ocena uporabnikov:      (0 glas)

... Čutil sem, da bi mi ta drug kamen pokazal pot v globine moje duše.

Razočaran sem se ulegel na blazino in se zazrl v sinje nebo.
Na vsej širni modrini je plaval le en sam bel oblak, ki je prav v tistem
trenutku pridobil podobo, presenetljivo podobno konju v galopu: v
vetru mu je plapolala dolga griva in zadaj ponosno dvignjeni rep.

Rekel sem ženi : » Glej kako lep simbol za veter Burin, ki jo
»reže« dol od Velebita proti morju ». Zvečer smo se ob siju polne lune
sprehodili po obali. V sebi sem čutil prijeten nemir ; slutil sem, da
mi bo naslednji dan prinesel novo darilo.

Naslednjega jutra je bilo morje »čista bonaca«, kar pomeni: morska
površina brez najmanjšega valovčka, zrak pa brez najnežnejše sapice.
Kot, da narava čaka na rojstvo novega trenutka, na davni pok Big Bang,
ko se bo zopet rodilo novo Vesolje. Ulegel sem se na plažo in svoje
telo prepustil toploti sonca. Svoje misli sem potopil v branje neke

Čez čas sem zaslišal glas svojega sina: » Oči, poglej ta kamen, mogoče
je ta tisti Bratec ?«.
V tistem trenutku, ko mi je sinko izročil novega Sabunčka,
nas je nenadoma oblil močan sunek vetra in to brez
kakršnega koli nežnejšega uvoda.
» Brez dvoma, to bo ta Dvojček« sem
pomislil in se hkrati čudil sebi kako sem se uspel kot otrok
prepustiti toku žive pravljice, ki se je bila dogajala tu in zdaj.

To čudovito možnost, ki nam jo podarja narava, z vsemi neštetimi
variantami sočasnih dogodkov, bi si lahko kdaj pa kdaj dovolili
opaziti in uporabiti v korist svojega osebnostnega razvoja. To
bogastvo simbolike v naravi je opazil tudi znameniti psihoanalitik
Carl Gustav Jung in jo opisal kot princip sinhronicitete.

V svoji avtobiografiji Spomini, sanje, misli je Jung napisal, da si ljudje
lahko osmislimo svoje življenje, če čutimo, da smo igralci v božanski
drami življenja, ki je polna simbolike.

Torej, v roki sem držal Sabunčka, ki naj bi nosil podobe, ki bodo
razjasnile pot do mojega duhovnega razsvetlenja. To razsvetlenje bo
nekoč prišlo »kot konj v galopu, kot veter Burin z bregov«.

Že po nekaj obratih sem na površini kamna opazil obraz brez oči; namesto
dveh oči je imel na sredini čela vdrtino, ki sem jo prepoznal kot
»Tretje oko« ali »Duhovno oko«. Znano mi je bilo namreč, da indijska
jogijska literatura govori o duhovnem razsvetlenju kot o »odpiranju
tretjega očesa«, ki zre v notranji duhovni univerzum človeka.

Toda ta ista literatura tudi svari pred iskanjem hitrega, instant
razsvetlenja, ki lahko povzroči motnje v duševnem zdravju človeka.
Prepoznati je treba individualne ovire na tej poti, jih počasi in
previdno premagovati, kar ponavadi zahteva čas celega življenja.

Obračal sem naprej ta »kamen modrosti« in iskal še kakšen namig , še
kakšen simbol.

Čez čas sem opazil stilizirano silhueto človeka, ki mu raste iz
predela trebuha velikanska roža. Glede na to, da sem bil miselno že
vtirjen na izrazoslovju vzhodnjaške modrosti, sem omenjeno »rožo«
takoj prepoznal kot tretji energijski center človeka ali kot Manipura
ali Solarni pleksus čakro.

Ta trebušna čakra je lahko izrazito povečana in prenapeta zaradi vpliva
nekultiviranih čustev. To sporočilo je bilo tako preprosto, a vendar nasičeno s toliko resnice, da me je popolnoma prevzelo. Da, vedno bo veljalo, in to resnično za vsakega človeka, da mora ob iskanju svojega notranjega miru,uravnotežiti svoja čustva in vedenje v zunanjem svetu, med svojimi ljudmi.

Razsvetlenje se zgodi šele potem, ko se meditacija oplemeniti
s služenjem v dobro svetu in ljudem okoli sebe.

Samo registrirani uporabniki lahko pišejo komentarje.
Prosimo, prijavite se ali registrirajte.

 Komentarji uporabnikov (3) KOmentar RSS
Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 14-02-2009 16:07,
1. Tretje oko
http:// zdravljenjeduse.blogspot.com/ 2008/06/prebujanje-aker- tretje-oko.html 
Prebujanje čaker - Tretje oko 
Naš jasnovidni center se nahaja med obema obrvema. Čelna čakra je po Barbari Brennan povezana s sposobnostjo za vizualizacijo in razumevanjem mentalnih konceptov, njen zadnji del na temenu pa z uresničevanjem ustvarjalnih zamisli, ki jih oblikuje čelni del. Kadar se čakra vrti v nasprotni smeri urinega kazalca, so človekovi mentalni koncepti zmedeni, njegove predstave o stvarnosti pa napačne in negativno usmerjene. Mentalni del čelne čakre je v fizični realnosti močnejši od našega jasnovidnega centra, zato so mentalni oz. miselni procesi (prepričanja) in blokade »krivi«, da naše tretje oko ostaja zaprto. Ko tretje oko zopet aktiviramo, spregledamo z notranjim vidom in se tako naravnamo na frekvence nevidnega duhovnega sveta. Videnje in razumevanje pa ni mogoče dokler nista odprta tako srčni center kot tudi tretje oko. Duhovni svet je namreč svet brezpogojne Ljubezni in dokler naš srčni center ni odprt, nam tudi duhovni svet ostaja nedosegljiv. Angeli in naše duhovno vodstvo, vile in bitja elementarnega sveta nam postanejo vidna in razumljiva. Del čelne čakre sta tudi obe manjši ušesni čakri, ki uravnavata našo jasnoslušnost – zmožnost slišati duhovni svet. 
Skozi tretje oko z nami komunicira duhovni svet, vključno z našim višjim jazom. Tukaj ego nima kaj iskati, zato je to center našega notranjega miru, prave modrosti in s tem tudi brezpogojne ljubezni. Skozi srce začutimo njen pretok, skozi tretje oko pa vidimo pravo naravo vsega okoli nas. Da bi okrepili naše videnje, slišnost, občutenje in vedenje se je potrebno znebiti vseh blokad in strahov, ki nam preprečujejo, da bi resnično videli. Mnogo nas je bilo v prejšnjih življenjih preganjanih zaradi darov jasnovidenja in komunikacije z duhovnim svetom, zato se bojimo videti ali slišati. Prepričanja, ki jih nosimo v svojem mentalnem telesu so drugi razlog, zakaj ostaja tretje oko zaprto – ne verjamemo, da je vsak sposoben videti in slišati. Zato je potrebno najprej ugotoviti, katere so tiste glavne blokade, ki nam preprečujejo, da bi uporabljali te naše darove. Vsak izmed nas je sposoben komunicirati z duhovnim svetom. Brez izjeme. Zmožnost vizualizacije na mentalni ravni dela čudeže že sama po sebi. Potrebno je utišati ego, ki nam stalno šepeta kaj je res in kaj ni. Mnogi med vami že imate uvide, slišite svoje vodnike, vendar vam ego govori, da si vse skupaj izmišljujete, da je to vaša domišljija. Nasvet: pričnite verjeti v domišljijo, pričnite verjeti prisluhom in nasvetom vaše domišljije. 
Tretje oko se odpira s pomočjo meditacije in namena. Če pri tem k sodelovanju povabite še angele... toliko bolje. Vzemite si čas, udobno se namestite z namenom odpiranja svojega tretjega očesa. Zaprite oči in nekajkrat globoko vdihnite. Pri vdihu si predstavljajte kako vas napolni svetloba in pri izdihu, kako odhajajo od vas vse skrbi in napetosti. V mislih pokličite nadangela Mihaela in Rafaela in ju poprosite naj vas varno peljeta skozi proces odpiranja tretjega očesa. Z notranjim pogledom se ozrite v sredino čela in samo opazujte. Ko ste pripravljeni poprosite svoj višji jaz, svojo dušo in Nadangele naj očistijo vaše tretje oko in vam ga pomagajo odpreti. Nato se popolnoma prepustite tistemu, kar sledi. Odpiranje tretjega očesa je lahko zelo »strašljivo« saj so ponavadi prisotni tudi močni fizični dražljaji, utripanje vek in bolečina sredi čela. Ne prestrašite se in samo pustite, da angeli in vaš višji jaz opravijo to čiščenje. 
Vsak dan si vzemite pet do deset minut in na kratko očistite svoje tretje oko s pomočjo obeh nadangelov. Ko boste odprli svoje tretje oko, lahko pričnete zaznavati stvari, ki jim boste sprva težko mentalno verjeli. Naučiti se jim je potrebno zaupati. Lahko naredite preizkus s prijateljem (prijateljico) – naj vam izroči nek predmet, vi pa s svojim tretjim očesom »poglejte« vse, kar je povezano s tem predmetom. Še tako »čudne« informacije povejte. Če se vam zdi, da ne dobivate ničesar, si nekaj izmislite. Morda boste presenečeni, kako natančna je vaša »domišljija«. 
http://kingsgarden.org/ English/Organizations/OMM.GB/ WomenWriters/AliceBailey/ SevenRays/Healing/ heal1055.html 
Esoteric Healing - Chapter I - The Psychological Causes of Disease  
2. The Ajna Center. This is the center between the eyebrows and is found in the region of the head just above [147] the two eyes, where it "acts as a screen for the radiant beauty and the glory of the spiritual man." 
a. It corresponds to the physical sun and is the expression of the personality, integrated and functioning - first of all as the disciple, and finally as the initiate. This is the true persona or mask. 
b. It achieves this functioning activity fully by the time the third initiation is taken. I would remind you that this initiation is regarded by the Hierarchy as the first major initiation, a fact which I have already communicated. It is the organ for the distribution of the energy of the third aspect - the energy of active intelligence. 
c. It is related to the personality by the creative thread of life, and is therefore closely connected with the throat center (the center of creative activity), just as the head center is related to the center at the base of the spine. An active interplay, once established between the ajna center and the throat center, produces a creative life and a manifested expression of the divine idea on the part of the initiate. In the same way, the active interplay between the head center and the center at the base of the spine produces the manifestation of the divine will or purpose. The forces of the ajna and the throat centers, when combined, produce the highest manifestation of "fire by friction," just as the energies of the head center and the basic center produce the individual "electric fire" which, when fully expressing itself, we call the kundalini fire. 
d. It is the center through which the fourth Creative Hierarchy on its own plane finds expression, [148] and here also this Hierarchy and fourth kingdom in nature, the human family, are fused and blended. The head center relates the monad and the personality. The ajna center relates the Spiritual Triad (the expression of the monad in the formless worlds) to the personality. Ponder on this statement, because you have here - in the symbolism of the head center, physically considered - the reflection of the spiritual will, atma, and spiritual love, buddhi. Here also comes in the teaching on the place of the eyes in the development of conscious expression, creatively carrying forward the divine purpose. 
• The Third Eye - the head center - Will. Atma. 
The eye of the Father - the Monad - SHAMBALLA. 
The first aspect of will or power and purpose. 
Related to the pineal gland. 
• The Right Eye - the ajna center - Love. Buddhi. 
The eye of the Son - the Soul - HIERARCHY. 
The second aspect of love-wisdom. 
Related to the pituitary body. 
• The Left Eye - the throat center - Active Intelligence. 
The eye of the Mother - the personality - HUMANITY. 
The third aspect of intelligence. 
Related to the carotid gland. 
When these three eyes are functioning and all of them "seeing" simultaneously, you will then have insight into divine purpose (the initiate), intuitive vision of the plan (the disciple), and a spiritual direction of the resulting creative activity (the Master). 
e. The ajna center registers or focuses the intention to create. It is not the organ of creation in the [149] same sense that the throat center is, but it embodies the idea lying behind active creativity, the subsequent act of creation producing eventually the ideal form for the idea. 
f. Its dense physical externalization is the pituitary body; the two lobes of this gland correspond to the two multiple petals of the ajna center. It expresses imagination and desire in their two highest forms, and these are the dynamic factors lying behind all creation. 
g. It is the organ of idealism therefore, and - curiously enough - it is closely related to the sixth ray, just as the head center is essentially related to the first ray. The sixth is peculiarly linked to the third ray and the third aspect of divinity as well as to the second ray and the second aspect. It fuses, anchors and expresses. This is a fact which I have not hitherto emphasized in my other writings. The ajna center is the point in the head where the dualistic nature of manifestation in the three worlds is symbolized. It fuses the creative energies of the throat and the sublimated energies of desire or the true love of the heart. 
h. This center, having only two real petals, is not a true lotus in the same sense as are the other centers. Its petals are composed of 96 lesser petals or units of force (48 + 48 = 96) but these do not assume the flower shape of the other lotuses. They spread out like the wings of an airplane to the right and left of the head, and are symbolic of the right hand path and the left hand path, of the way of matter and the way of spirit. They constitute symbolically, therefore, the two [150] arms of the Cross upon which the man is crucified - two streams of energy or light placed athwart the stream of life descending from the monad to the base of the spine and passing through the head. 
The idea of relativity is one that must ever be held in mind as the student seeks to comprehend the centers, interiorly related within the etheric body, related at the same time to the subtler bodies, to the states of consciousness which are synonymous to states of being and of expression, to ray energies, to environing conditions, to the three periodical vehicles (as H.P.B. calls the personality, the threefold soul and the Spiritual Triad), to Shamballa and to the totality of manifested Lives. The complexity of the subject is extreme, but when the disciple or initiate is functioning in the three worlds and the various energies of the whole man are "grounded" in the earth bound man, then the situation becomes clearer. I use the expression "grounded" in its true and correct sense, and not as the description of a man who has discarded his physical body as the spiritualists use the term. Certain recognitions in time and space become possible; certain effects can be noted, certain ray influences appear more dominant than others; certain "patterns of being" appear; an expression of a spiritual Being at a certain point of conscious experience emerges into clarity and can then be spiritually diagnosed. Its aspects and attributes, its forces and energies, can be determined at that time and for a particular created expression of life. This must be borne in mind, and the thoughts of the student must not be permitted to rove too far afield but must be concentrated upon the appearance of the man (himself or another) and upon the emerging quality. When that student is a disciple or an initiate, he will be able also to study the life aspect. [151] 
Our study will, however, be somewhat different, for we shall attempt to discover the diseases and difficulties incident to the energy stimulation or the lack of stimulation of the centers, and so arrive at some of the effects which this energy inflow and conflict with forces will produce. 
http:// www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ cienciareal/cosmicfire/ fire1381.html 
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section Two - Division D - Thought Elementals and Fire Elementals b. Five Rules for the Astral Plane 
Before we take up the consideration of the second set of "Rules for Magic," I would like to make a few remarks anent the "eye of the Magician," to which reference has been earlier made. One of the fundamental rules back of all magical processes is that no man is a magician or worker in white magic until the third eye is opened, or in process of opening, for it is by means of that eye that the thought form is energized, directed and controlled and the lesser builders or forces are swept into any particular line of activity. Among the coming discoveries, and among the next revelations of materialistic science will be one which will concern itself with the force-directing faculty of the human eye, alone or collectively, and this will indicate one of the first stages towards the rediscovery of the third eye, or the "Eye of Shiva." Shiva is, as we know, one of the names for the first great logoic aspect, and under that name is hidden much of esoteric moment. Shiva stands for: 
a. The Will aspect, 
b. The Spirit aspect, 
c. The Father in Heaven, 
d. The directing purpose, 
e. Conscious energy, 
f. Dynamic intent, [1009] 
and in the consideration of these phrases the innate faculties of the third eye will become apparent. 
The "Eye of Shiva" in the human being has its position, as is already known, in the center of the forehead between the two physical eyes. 3 
It is not to be confounded with the pineal gland, which is distinctly a physical center or gland. The third eye exists in etheric matter, and is an etheric center of force, being made of the substance of the ethers, whereas the pineal gland is formed of matter of the three lower subplanes of the physical plane. The latter, nevertheless, has to be functioning more or less before the "Eye of Shiva" becomes in any degree active, and it is this fact that has led writers of occult books in the past purposely to confound the two, in order to protect the knowledge. 
The third eye is formed through the activity of three factors: 
First, through the direct impulse of the Ego on its own plane. During the greater part of evolution the Ego makes its contact with its reflection, physical plane man, through the center at the top of the head. When man is more highly evolved, and is nearing or treading the Path, the indwelling Self takes a more complete grasp of its lower vehicle, and descends to a point in the head or brain which is found approximately in the center of the forehead. This is its lowest contact. It is interesting here to note the correspondence with the evolution of the senses. The three major senses and the three first to demonstrate in order are, hearing, touch, sight. For the greater part of evolution, hearing is the guiding impulse of human life through egoic contact with the top of the head. Later, when the Ego descends a little lower, the etheric center which is active in connection with the pituitary body, is added, and man becomes [1010] responsive to subtler and higher vibrations; the occult correspondence to the physical sense of touch awakens. Finally, the third eye opens and the pineal gland simultaneously begins to function. At first, the sight is dim, and the gland is only partially responsive to vibration, but gradually the eye opens fully, the gland is fully active, and we have the "fully awakened" man. When this is the case, the alta major center vibrates and then the three physical head centers are functioning. 
Second, through the coordinated activity of the major head center, the many petalled lotus above the top of the head. This center directly affects the pineal gland, and the interplay of force behind the two (the correspondence, on a tiny scale, of the pairs of opposites, spirit and matter), produces the great organ of consciousness, the "Eye of Shiva." It is the instrument of wisdom, and in these three centers of energy we have the correspondence of the three aspects within the head of man. 
1. Major head center - Will Aspect - Spirit - Father in Heaven. 
2. Pineal gland - Love-Wisdom aspect - Consciousness - Son. 
3. Third eye - Activity aspect - Matter - Mother. 
The third eye is the director of energy or force, and thus an instrument of the will or Spirit; it is responsive only to that will as controlled by the Son-aspect, the revealer of the love-wisdom nature of gods and man, and it is therefore the sign of the white magician. 
Third, the reflex action of the pineal gland itself. 
As these three types of energy, or the vibration of these three centers, begin to contact each other, a definite interplay is set up. This triple interplay forms in time a vortex or center of force, which finds its place in the center of the forehead, and takes eventually the semblance of an eye looking out between the other two. [1011] It is the eye of the inner vision, and he who has opened it can direct and control the energy of matter, see all things in the Eternal Now, and therefore be in touch with causes more than with effects, read the akashic records, and see clairvoyantly. Therefore, its possessor can control the builders of low degree. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=E14uaIiQ_RQ 
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=uofjzGoR8JA&feature=related

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 26-02-2009 10:46,
2. Kamen Dvojček - Lea
Iskanje Anime nakaže kamnita levja Sfinga na drugem kamnu Dvojček, njeno podobo sem opazil šele 7 let po najdbi kamna (obrisi so povdarjeni s svinčnikom zaradi lažje vidnosti, levinja drži glavo v desno in sedi na zadnjih nogah, tako kot Sfinga na sliki spodaj - pri gradu Schloss , Dunaj) 
http://www.pesnik.net/ component/ option,com_fireboard/ Itemid,83/func,view/catid,10/ id,28165/#28165

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 26-02-2009 10:49,
3. tretje oko in tretja čakra
Na istih straneh sta tudi sliki podob Tretjega očesa in Manipure čakre, obe na drugem kamnu Dvojček

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  • 16:18 - 19.09.2009

    Sem le po cesti hotil,
    nič hudega sluteč,

    sem le sebi bil odveč,
    nič se ni zgodilo,

    sem ...

    Beri dalje...
  • 09:46 - 03.02.2010

    Poskus prignan do skrajnosti
    (ker ne zmore vztrajnosti)
    pod privlačno silo zemlje
    zapusti visoke želje
    Beri dalje...

  • 08:25 - 25.04.2007

    Eh,ta šola,
    v šolo hoditi
    in se učiti,
    me kar zazebe,
    ne najdem besede,
    saj to je,
    le &sc...

    Beri dalje...
  • 21:40 - 17.06.2007

    na svetu sta dve stvari...
    strah in veselje.
    vmesna sestavina pa je sreča.


    Beri dalje...
  • 13:51 - 17.11.2007

    potepuško se seliš
    od navdiha do brezdiha
    se klatiš in prosjačiš
    imenuješ pokrajine
    Beri dalje...

  • 15:26 - 16.09.2008

    lahko so zelena,
    lahko rumena,
    lahko so rdeča,
    lahko dišeča,
    vsa živa,
    ena ...

    Beri dalje...
  • 18:30 - 23.11.2009

    Tisoč rastlin, tisoč novih poganjkov.
    Vsi se tlačijo v zeleno obleko.
    Tisoč zelenih rastlin oblači tis...

    Beri dalje...
  • 10:59 - 07.05.2007

    Daj, le nocoj ostani z mano!
    Nikar ne hodi v večer meglen.
    Kar je začeto in nedokončano,
    kot »da« je, ki na pol ...

    Beri dalje...
  • 19:30 - 03.01.2005

    Kod da bi mu bila vse,
    tako jo je gledal
    in kot edino jo je gledal.
    In jaz sem ju gledala,
    skozi belo šipo o...

    Beri dalje...
  • 12:49 - 21.11.2004

    Bila sem jaz
    in bil si ti,
    vsak zase sva obstajala...
    Sem našla sebe v tebi,
    si našel sebe v meni
    in postala sva midv...

    Beri dalje...

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