
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletne storitve, zbiranja statistik, deljenja vsebin na socialnih omrežjih in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletne strani soglašate s piškotki.

Več o piškotkih

Naslovnica (izbor)

Kapljica Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
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Kot kaplja ob kaplji v reki življenja,
se vijejo duše v morju trpljenja.
Se kaplja ustavi, navzgor se zazre,
lepoto zagleda, razume je ne.

Ostale se kapljice ustavijo vkraj:
"Le kaj ti je sestrica, kaj ti je zdaj?"
A kapljica gleda, se čudi, strmi,
ne vidi več sestric, le konec poti.

Jo sestre rotijo, in prosijo: “Glej,
daj, sestrica naša, pojdimo naprej!”
A kapljica mala premakne se ne,
le gleda lepoto, ki k višku se pne.

Jo sonce povabi v topel objem
in kapljica mala izgine v njem.
Ostale se kaplje razjokajo zdaj:
“Hej, sestrica mala, odšla si, zakaj?”

In tuhtajo, hlipajo, še bolj trpe,
in morje trpljenja jim nosi gorje.
A kapljica mala na nebu sedaj
z oblaki potuje, razume zakaj.

Odidejo kaplje, naprej se mudi,
pozabijo sestrico, ki je več ni.
Le tu in tam kakšna se kapljica kdaj
prav bežno še spomni te sestrice kaj.

Ko časa preteče veliko noči,
še drugim se kapljam podobno godi.
Na koncu vse kaplje iz reke gorja
končajo trpljenje v naročju Boga.

Oj, kapljica mala, daj, spomni se me,
ko moje oko se v višave zazre.
Popelji me k Bogu, popelji od tod,
pokaži lepoto, pokaži mi pot.



Like drop by the drop in the river of life
the tormented souls in the in the dark sea of strife.
The droplet looks up as it halts to a stop
the beauty it sees -  conceivable not.

The other small droplets now stop on their way:
“Hey, sister of ours, what's making you stay?”
But droplet is watching, in wondering stare,
can not see her sisters, she just doesn't care.

Her sisters beseech her: “Hey, our little mate,
let's go with the flow, or we will be late!”
But droplet has stopped and it will not leave
just peer at the beauty the heaven's hands weave.

The sun has invited her: “Part with the stream.”
The little thing fades as the sun shows it's beam.
The other small drops start to lament and cry:
“You have just left us, so quickly, but why?”

They ponder and think and they sob and they weep
the great sea of strife washes tears into deep.
But little small droplet, now free in the sky
floats with the clouds and comprehends why.

The other drops leave as they try to move on
they slowly forget the small droplet is gone.
And here and there only a droplet in sigh
remembers her sister, long gone to the sky.

But slowly, with time, in many nights late
so many small droplets meet similar fate.
And in the end all the small drops of the sea
are called to the God in the skies to go free.

Hey droplet, forgotten, remember my sigh
when eyes of mine turn up to look for the sky.
Please, take me to God, to a far away place,
show me the beauty, show me the grace.

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