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Sugar_ Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
Od sugar4real   

Blindfold your eyes with a ribbon and
make an admission that sugar is divine
being covered with roses or money if you like
doesnt give out such feeling inside

after tasting this candy of love
you will always reach out for more
never less can be given
but further taking must be stopped
if you think that sugar is just a thing to add
realize it is something that you couldnt live without
so next time think what you can afford
for having one love can always be enough
but if you seek for more can break your honest word
you will always find something sweeter in life
but before adding new let go of the old
even if u didnt seek
cos sooner or later one love will leak
now dont be wasing time on sugar dreams
just begin with living them
and you will never have to cheat again.

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