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I can't stand no more Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
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I never had a normal life
because of my dad and his new wife
I am always someone else that I'd rather be
but noone that couldn't see.

My dad was drinkin' beer
that was my biggest fear
he became a drznk
he wanted to listen punk.
My stepmother was yellin' at me,
my stepbrother always the boss wanted to be.

All that noise is drivin' me crazy
all that scream,
I can't stand no more.
I just want to get away,
far away from my home.
I want my real mum back
and new family forget.

When all were yellin' at me,
there was only one place,
where I wanted to be.
That place was my room.
There I could found my own peace,
then I was feelin' like a miss.

I was prayin' to God,
when I was listenin' to rock.
I prayed, that all be end.

How can i run away,
how can i find new way,
how can I get my mum back,
if she's dead?

I can't stand no more...

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