
Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletne storitve, zbiranja statistik, deljenja vsebin na socialnih omrežjih in funkcionalnosti, ki jih brez piškotkov ne bi mogli nuditi. Z obiskom in uporabo spletne strani soglašate s piškotki.

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Naslovnica (izbor) arrow BERI arrow Posamezne pesmi arrow Po avtorjih arrow screaming

screaming Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
Od wickeddarkness   


Rip the air in two

Let the very molecules vibrate in agony
and plunge deep into the recesses of your stomach
until the beast inside tries to claw its way out
and burst trough the layers of muscles and bone...

fading into a whisper,
leaving you with aching ears...

It makes your skin shiver and the blood drain away
as your knees meet the ground...
Then the noise makes way for silence,
louder and greater than ever before...


And again you take a deep breath…

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