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Napisal/a Pimoz, v sreda, 22. avg. 07
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You are my angel... My heart is burning... Flame has its' source in my love... In what I feel about you...

You are my angel... My heart is burning... Flame has its' source in my love... In what I feel about you... I can't stop repeating how much I love you... How much I like you... There is no way I could describe this with words... It's just unexplainable... I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round that constantly turns me around you... And every second that pasts, I feel you are closer... Sometimes you are so close I think I can hear your heart beating... My only silent wish... Is just to stop this merry-go-round... So I can look in your eyes... And see that you love me... Than I would ran... Hold you tight... And never forget that feeling... Than we would run... With hand in hand... On that hill nearby... Betwen all those flowers... We would have our first kiss... With no shy I would look deep in your eyes... Hold your hand... And together we would go down the hill... In the most beautiful sunset of your life... And high up in the sky... There would be rainbow... Shining just for the two of us... And this peaceful place in my mind... That only I can see... Throught heart-shaped window... Will always stay in my heart.. And whenever I will think on you... I will see you in the last suns ray... How you smile... And than... I don't know what to say... I will never want this dreams to go away... You have taken my heart away... And now I don't know what to do... I don't want to feel, to life or to die without you...

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Objavil/a Rika, v 26-08-2007 19:22,
1. You
:) zveni kot love letter, ne kot pesem. Slovnične napakice, tipkarski škratje, besedne zveze...hmm žal z moje strani samo 2, pa še to ker si predstavljam, kaj bi občutila, če bi takšno pisemce dobila jaz ;)

Objavil/a Pimoz, v 04-09-2007 19:29,
2. You
jp...se strinjam..sam pač tko...mogoče komu nekoč pride prav :)

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