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Mr. Sunflower Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
Napisal/a Zenny, v torek, 30. okt. 07
Ocena urednika:   
Ocena uporabnikov:      (1 glas)

Excuse me, Mr. Sunflower,
but can you go away for a bit?
I just need to find a nice little corner to lie in,
but mister, I always lie down alone,
'cause I see the world in blues in greens,
but you see it in black and grey,

and there are chains around your neck,
but I'm free of pretenses and prays,
and there's blood flooding my head,
did you know we're made of water?

My mind thinks of heroes and blades,
but yours is full of sun and maggots,
and I look up to Tori Amos and rainy days,
but you're surrounded by little dwarfes and cries,
no, mister, we can't go and lie down together,
'cause you don't speak parseltongue,
and I clap my fingers, you clap your hands,
you dance to hip-hop music and swear to forever,
but I like to bang my fists on pianos,
and sleep on the cold stone floor and act really clever.

Mr. Sunflower, I paint smiling faces,
even on bottles of milk and sugar traces
and Shakespeare told me not to read too much,
or else I'd color my own loneliness
So now I sing melodies to my cell phone instead.
Hey Mr. Sunflower, you can run to the castle with me,
it's that old building above your head,
that makes my heart do floppidoos,
and has old black birds swimming around.
But tell me mister, what is common touch?

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 Komentarji uporabnikov (2) KOmentar RSS
Objavil/a emily, v 01-11-2007 16:37,
1. mr. sunflower
všeč. prva angleška pesem na tem portalu ki se mi zdi res fajna. malo me edino moti parseltounge ker pač ne maram portterja ostalo je zelo fajn. pa malo dolga je tudi. določene stvari bi se dalo malo skrajšat. zato 4.

Objavil/a Rika, v 04-11-2007 20:54,
2. Mr. Sunflower
Sama pesem mi ni všeč, priznam :sigh Ne vem zakaj, verjetno je v njej preveč vsega in se človek kar malo izgubi. Mi tudi ne vzbudi nobenih posebnih občutkov. Žal.  
Mi je pa všeč vsaj to, da je avtor vsaj pisal pravilno, ker tričetrt angleških pesmi tukaj gor je bolj v kvazi angleščini.

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