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get a grip (a very common song) Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
Napisal/a isoncek, v četrtek, 20. mar. 08
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The shining sun will never tell
What you want to know,
Because it's always there - and well,
The wind that always blows 
Will never ask what you're here for
And - what you will do...
Because the world goes on and on
With or without you!


The sea that waves, the birds that sing
They are there - but no!
They will not solve your troubles - though
They all can help you go!
You yourself must try so hard
To carry on and fight
For every single day - your heart
Should overcome bad sight!

The world is there for you to see
That all that is and goes
Is made for you to help you be
And find your grips and stones-
Just step on, when you need a hand...
This hand will always be
As soft or strong as you should need,
And it will make you free.

So there are sun and stars and sea
And moon and birds and trees,
Rain and flowers, snow and bees,
And leaves and grass and breeze,
Clouds and waves, shores and streams
And all you see and feel
And all you dream and get and give....
All that will help you live.

‘Cause living is as light as wind
And it's... heavy as big stones.
You try to take it as it is
It will not break your bones.
And there is love; it's in your hands,
And what you do - is no crime...
From time to time do let it go -
Just get a grip on time!




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