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Cvet duše poeta Natisni Priporoči prijatelju
Napisal/a Leo Modrin, v nedelja, 14. sep. 08
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V zavetju tišine se odpiral je Cvet,
sončni žarki so stopali dol kot otroci.
Vsak je prinesel košek dobrot
in smehljaj je priplaval v vonju odet.

Cvetov venec zunanji je Znanje v fizičnem svetu:
Caliope je list Znanja,
Terpsichore list je Ljubezni,
Clio je list Žrtvovanja.

Srednji je venec Ljubezni:
Thalia je list Znanja skozi Ljubezen,
Erato v Ljubezni je Višja Ljubezen,
Melpomene je Žrtev skozi Ljubezen.

Venec notranji je Žrtev poeta:
Polimnia list je Žrtve skozi mistično Znanje,
Urania Žrtvovanja je list skozi Ljubezen,
Euterpe je Volja do Žrtve poslednje.

Lotosov cvet v roki drži naš poet,
vse Muze okrog njega so zbrane,
sredi Cveta svetleči Dragulj.
Dragulj je Sophia.


Notranji krog Muz:

Bela Čarodejka = Polymnia is the Muse
of serious sacred songs
(magic spells and rituals).

Lea Anima = Urania is the Muse
of astronomy.

Vila Kresnička = Euterpe is the Muse
of lyric song.

Srednji krog Muz:

Kraljična = Thalia is the Muse
of comedy and bucolic poetry.

Princeska = Erato is the Muse
of erotic poetry.

Čarna Čarodejka = Melpomene is the Muse
of tragedy.

Zunanji krog Muz :

Sanima Kraljica = Caliope is the Muse
of epic song.

Sončica = Terpsichore is the Muse
of dancing.

Aby = Clio is the Muse
of history.

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Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 15-09-2008 05:26,
1. Cvet duše
Ja, moja Sončica pravi, da me je tale polna luna fejst presvetlila. Tudi jaz se strinjam s tem saj me je zgodaj zjutraj zbudila in mi ne da spati, ok bom šel pa študirati.  
Menda je ta luna v znamenju rib, polarno nasprotje device, hm , na te stvari se še ne spoznam dosti, oziroma skoraj nič (na netu vse zveš). Če vpliv Lune v Ribah usmerimo pozitivno, je lahko to zelo razsvetljeno obdobje, ko smo polni navdiha in umetnisko razpolozeni, nas um pa je zelo dojemljiv in odprt za vsak namig iz nase, v tem obdobju zelo zivahne podzavesti. Dve ribi, zgornja je simbol duše, spodnja simbol osebnosti, obe sta povezani.  
Lotosov cvet duše poeta je kavzalno telo njegove duše. V sredini je dragulj, biser, ki je Božanska iskra, Monada, Sat-chit-anand(resnica-zavest- blaženost/ljubezen) – meni se je predstavila kot Helena in me nekaj nezadržno vleče v Sveto poroko z njo, ki bo bohvekdaj. 
Muze so božanske energije duše, ki spodbujajo moj duhovni razvoj, devet jih je tako kot je devet cvetnih lističev v treh cvetnih venčkih. V tem letu so se mi prav lepo simbolično predstavile v obliki devetih žensk, ki so mi za vedno spremenile življenje in to na boljše. 
Še nekaj o simbolu Device: v njem so skrite moje boginje: Lilit, Eva, Izida in Devica Marija. Vse skupaj in še mnogo več pa je Velika Boginja. Ne me preveč spraševati kaj vse to pomeni, saj še sam ne vem, šele slutim, sem pač poet postal, ki sluti pesem na krilih intuicije in jo prevede v svojo osebnost in potem v materijo – v črke. 
L.M. :)

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 15-09-2008 14:19,
2. Cvet duše poeta 2
...aja, še naslov kje sem pobral teorijo o zgradbi kavzalnega telesa duše: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Alice_Bailey 
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire — 1925 
... je pa res, da mi je ta povezava med dušo in različnimi krogi Muz prišla v um šele včeraj. Večkrat mi je v duševnost priplavala slika cveta in želel sem napisati pesem, kako se počasi cvet odpira, ko jutranji sončni žarki božajo vsak listič cveta . Na nek način sem hotel v besede pretočit tisto brezčasno gibanje odpirajočega se cveta vrtnice, potem mi je počasi pritekla ideja, da so lističi morda lahko naše vrline, ki jih gojimo v tem svetu, ko kultiviramo sebe... 
... potem pa se je nenadoma slika vrtnice zlila v sliko lotosa in spomnil sem se na že skoraj pozabljeno sliko kavzalnega telesa v obliki lotosovega cveta, ki sem jo nekje videl pred mnogo leti.

Objavil/a Lolla, v 16-09-2008 08:55,
3. Cvet duše
Zelo zanimivo ...

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 16-09-2008 10:17,
4. Cvet duše 3
mogoče bo koga tole zanimalo 
Pesmi o mojih Muzah, kronološko od zadnje navzdol proti prvi: 
Lea Anima = Urania:  
Magic Mistery  
Lea na planetu Mars živi, 4  
Lea na planetu Mars živi, 3  
Lea na planetu Mars živi, 2  
Lea in Leo 
V snegu krila sinja  
Slutim strast v zimski noči  
Iskanje Duše dvojčice  
Dva planeta  
Lea na planetu Mars živi  
Metulj Modrin  
Sanima Kraljica = Caliope: 
Ne verjamem več v tvojo slavo  
Šahovnica ljubezni  
Pre_pir v nebesih 
Ljubezen, med prozo in poezijo  
Aby = Abigail = Marija Magdalena = Clio 
nedokončana pesnitev Marija Magdalena in Zrcalo 
Marija Magdalena in Zrcalo, 3 
Marija Magdalena in Zrcalo, 2 
Marija Magdalena in Zrcalo, 1 
Pasijon ali Passion ? 
Princeska = Erato: 
Obiskala me je v sanjah  
Ko srečal sem princesko  
Devojka iz Beograda 
Iz spominov stkane sanje  
Bela Čarodejka = Polymnia : 
Zgodba o beli čarodejki  
Darilo beli čarodejki  
Vila Kresnička = Euterpe : 
Vila kresnička  
Kraljična = Thalia : 
še pridejo  
Čarna Čarodejka = Melpomene : 
Čarna boginja ali Črnolasa Čarodejka  
Sončica = Terpsichore : 
Muza plesa se je prebudila 
Iskanje Duše dvojčice  
Pesmi o mojih Boginjah in Bogu: 
Velika Boginja: 
Magic Mistery  
Velika boginja  
Helena = Monada : 
Cvet duše poeta  
Visoka pesem : Helene ni v Troji  
nedokončana pesnitev Bog ni psihopat

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 17-09-2008 08:19,
5. Cvet duše 4
…. da še pojasnim tole kar sem napisal v komentarju pod pesmijo Magic Mistery: 
» … Letos: Velika Boginja mi pove, da je Lea Anima samo ena od mojih Muz in ne ena in edina in usodna Duša Dvojčica, ... vseh je 9 ….. » 
Na netu sem spoznal pravo novodobno, belomagijsko čarovnico, ki sem ji dal ime Bela Čarodejka. Ona mi je čez čas dala ime Grannus, glede na to, da sem veliko sinhronicitet prepoznal preko mineralov, kamnov. Potem sem pa na netu ugotovil , da je keltski bog Grannus nekakšna vzporednica Apolonu. Apollo je pa imel 9 muz okrog sebe na Parnasu in tako se je začela razpletati moja zgodba o Muzah.  
Kar se mene tiče je pa itak Bela Čarodejka dobila inspiracijo za ime od Velike Boginje.

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 26-01-2009 17:52,
6. Sophia in ne Helena
Na podlagi tega kar je pisal Carl Gustav Jung o razvoju Anime v duševnosti moškega sem moral malo korigirati pojme v pesmi Cvet duše poeta in v pesmi Visoka pesem: Helene ni v Troji, namreč, sveta poroka se zgodi z vidikom, ki ga predstavlja zadnji stadij v razvoju Anime in sicer Sophia ali Modrost. Tako je tudi dragulj v lotusovem cvetu duše Sophia in ne Helena. Helena iz Troje pa ostaja simbol iluzije moškega o idealni lepotici, ki naj bi jo nekoč srečal.  
Sedaj pa še povezava med razvojem Anime in cvetnimi listi duše: 
Eva je simbol za Zunanji krog Muz  
Helena iz Troje je simbol za Srednji krog Muz 
Marija je simbol za Notranji krog Muz 
Sophia je simbol za Monado, dragulj v lotosu duše 
Psychologically, the anima functions in a man as his soul, so to speak. Jung described the anima as “the archetype of life itself,” and maintained an ongoing dialogue and partnership with his personal anima. When a man is full of life he is “animated.” The man with no connection to his soul feels dull and listless; he also appears to be dull, listless, and boring. Whether we call it depression or boredom, this particular loss of soul has been around since the dawn of time. For thousands of years, among so-called primitive peoples, this state of being has been known as loss of soul. 
This inner feminine often appears in a man’s dreams about the same time as his shadow self appears. His anima will be a female figure, while his shadow side will be male. A man’s inner image of woman is initially determined by his experience of his personal mother or closest female caregiver. It is later modified through contact with other women–friends, relatives, teachers–but the experience of the personal mother is so powerful and long-lasting that a man is naturlaly attracted to those women who are much like her–or, as often happens, her direct opposite. That is to say, he may yearn for what he’s known, or seek to escape it at all costs. 
The anima personifies all the feminine psychological tendencies within the man, such as prophetic hunches, intuitions, moods, receptivity, capacity for personal love, a feeling for nature, and his relation to the unconscious. Just as in ancient times, females were used as diviners to fathom the divine will, to translate it, and to make a connection between man and the gods, so too the anima connects a man to the great unknown. 
Stages of Anima Development 
Jung distinguished four broad stages of the anima in the course of a man’s psychological development. He personified these, according to classical stages of eroticism, as Eve, Helen, Mary and Sophia. 
In the first stage, Eve, the man’s anima is completely tied up with the mother–not necessarily his personal mother, but the image of woman as faithful provider of nourishment, security, and love. The first eve represents all that is natural, instinctual, and biological. The man with an anima of this type cannot function well without a vital connection to a woman and is easy prey to being controlled by her. He frequently suffers impotence or has no sexual desire at all. Other ways in which this type of anima possession manifests are through fear of accidents or disease, or in a sort of dullness of personality. The Greek Sirens or the German Lorelei personify this dangerous aspect of the anima, which may even lead a man to his death. This illustrates what is true of other psychological content, namely that it has two aspects, benevolent and malefic. 
In the second stage, personified in the historical figure of Helenof Troy, the anima is a collective sexual image. She is Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, and Angelina Jolie. The man under her spell is often a Don Juan who engages in repeated sexual adventures. These will invariably be short-lived, for two reasons: (1) he has a fickle heart, and (2) no real woman can live up to the expectations that go with this unconscious, ideal image. 
The third stage of the anima is Mary, who raises love to the heights of spiritual devotion. It manifests in religious feelings and a capacity for genuine friendship with women. The man with an anima of this kind is able to see a woman as she is, independent of his own needs. His sexuality is integrated into his life, not an autonomous function that drives him. He can differentiate between love and lust. He is capable of lasting relationships because he can tell the difference between the object of his desire and his inner image of woman. 
In the fourth stage, as Sophia (called Wisdom in the Bible), a man’s anima functions as a guide to the inner life, mediating to consciousness the contents of the unconscious. Sophia is behind the need to grapple with the grand philosophical issues, the search for meaning. She is Beatrice in Dante’s Inferno, the creative muse in any artist’s life. She is a natural mate for the archetypal wise old man in the male psyche. Jung commented that “in the psychic development of modern man this stage is rarely reached,” a comment Jung made in 1964

Objavil/a Leo Modrin, v 12-02-2009 18:47,
7. Dragulj je Sophia
Dragulj v lotusu duše je v bistvu neke vrste energijski cvetni popek, ki je tudi sestavljen iz treh lističev, tako tudi za Boginjo Modrosti Sophio pravijo, da ima tri hčerke: vero (faith, sacriface), ljubezen (love) in upanje (hope, knowledge). 
http:// www.shamballaschool.org/ StudyResources/compilations/ Compjewel.htm 
Another way of emphasising the same truth is to regard the egoic body as a centre of force, a wheel of energy, or a lotus, and to picture it as a lotus with nine petals, hiding within these petals a central unit of three petals; these in their turn secrete the central life, or the "jewel in the lotus." As evolution proceeds, these three circles of three petals gradually unfold, having a simultaneous effect on one or other of the central three. These three circles are called respectively the petals of Sacrifice, Love, and Knowledge. 
http://www.northernway.org/ sophia.html  
Who is Sophia?  
Quite literally, She is Wisdom, because the Greek word Sophia translates into Wisdom. More than that, She is the Wisdom of Deity. She has been revered as the Wise Bride of Solomon by Jews, as the Queen of Wisdom and War (Athena) by Greeks, and as the Holy Spirit of Wisdom by Christians. She is known as Chokmah (pronounced HOK-mah with the H being said like -ch in the name Bach) in Hebrew, and Sapientia in Latin. But just who is Sophia?  
Sophia is found throughout the wisdom books of the Bible. There are many references to Her in the book of Proverbs, and in the apocryphal books of Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon (accepted by Catholics and Orthodox, found in the Greek Septuagint of the early Church). She is Wisdom Incarnate, the Goddess of all those who are wise.  
Is it any wonder that She is constantly associated with wise King Solomon? 1 Kings 4:29-31 tells us that God gave wisdom to Solomon, and that he became wiser than all the kings of the East and all the wise people of Egypt. Wisdom 8:2, 16, 18 tells us that Solomon was seen as married to Sophia. One of the many layers of symbolism attributed to the Song of Songs (also known as Song of Solomon or Canticle of Canticles) is that it speaks of Solomon's marriage to Holy Sophia. Wisdom 9:8-11 even tells us that Sophia instructed Solomon in building the Temple!  
The Jews revered Sophia. King Solomon even put Her right in the Temple, in the form of the Goddess Asherah. However, after the "reforms" of King Josiah, there was a threat that the veneration of Sophia would come to a halt - there was even more of a threat when patriarchal Christianity took over the world. Even still, thanks to Her continuing presence in the world and Her presence in the Bible, veneration of Sophia continued in the Eastern tradition with the construction of the Hagia Sophia and the Russian Catholic liturgical service to Sophia combined with the assumption of Mary on May 15. The Russian Orthodox Church has also begun a school of "Sophiology" to explore the thealogy of Sophia without contradicting the Russian Orthodox theology.  
Yet the Eastern Christians are not the only Christians to venerate Sophia. Sophia was very likely venerated by early Followers of the Way, and her veneration has survived in the West today in the form of Gnosticism. Gnostics see her as one of the aeons, one of the quasi-deities who live in the ethereal realm known as the pleroma. Gnostics believe that she gave birth to or brought about the creation of a negative aeon, who later came to be called an archon, called the Demiurge, creator and ruler of this world.  
Gnostics see the Demiurge as the God of the Old Testament, with his strict rules and chains that bind the people of the Earth. Gnostics believe that Sophia and the Father God (not the Demiurge) sent Yeshua to right this wrong. In Gnostic tradition, Sophia plays a very active role in our world.  
Esoteric Christianity doesn't typically support the theory of the Demiurge. It believes that creation is inherently good, and as such so is the Creator. However, the Mystery School does teach one "theory" that Shaitan (aka Satan or Shatan), the devil, was the ruler of this world and was accidentally given the keys to the Otherworlds by the Goddess. He had these keys until the passion, death, and descent into hell of Yeshua, when Yeshua retrieved them and holds them still. Sophia, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene are three Christian Goddesses, making up a female Trinity. Both the earthly forms of Mary and MM shared the name Mary, and both in their Heavenly forms share the Hebrew letter Heh in the God-Name YHVH. So how does Sophia fit into the Godhead? Wisdom of Solomon, a book in the apocrypha says clearly that Sophia is the Holy Spirit. There could be a feminine Trinosophia - Mother, Daughter, and Pneuma (Holy Soul). 
Sophia and her 3 Daughters, Faith, Hope & Charity/Love 
The Trinitarian/Trinosophia can also fit with the Quaternity. Believers in the Quaternity see the Four as Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter - BUT, they also acknowledge Paraclete and Pneuma as the masculine and feminine essences of Divinity (see our Creed of the Way, in which Pneuma is clearly acknowledged). Perhaps Paraclete is the combination of the two masculine forces, and Pneuma may be the combination of the two feminine forces. This could explain why They do not have Their own letters in the Quaternity, since They may be a combination of the masculine and feminine forces.

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